Friday 12 January 2018

Some Housekeeping

So it turns out that there are quite a lot of people out there wanting to do better with their finances. You know - reduce expenses, kill debt, get investing, and make sure there is ample for retirement, or even early retirement.


As a result, this blog now has over 790 subscribers.


This also means that the blog now generates a decent amount of comments and emails packed with unique thoughts, great suggestions, cool ideas and interesting questions. However I have been finding it increasingly difficult to keep up!

So after giving it some thought, I am going to be taking a slightly different approach going forward....

1. All spreadsheets are now available for download

You may have noticed a shiny new button at the top of the website. The hot-off -the-press Spreadsheets Page contains links to allow you to download any of the spreadsheets I have created.

I used to request that non-subscribers contact me in order to get hold of a copy of any of the spreadsheets I had made – this was so I could keep track of everyone that had a copy, so that if there were any errors I could correct it and let everyone know. The side effect of this is that I get a number of emails requesting the spreadsheets. In order to reduce these emails, I will allow people to download them, with a "use at own risk" disclaimer.

2. I cannot guarantee I will respond to all questions

Up until now I have made a point to reply to every email I receive (if you didn’t get a reply from me it means that your server blocked it because it thought it was spam, and I unfortunately had no other way of letting you know – please don’t think I was being rude!)

Going forward, I will take a slightly different approach. I will still most certainly read each and every email I receive, but I cannot guarantee that I will reply. Hopefully step one above will reduce the email load sufficiently to allow me to continue to reply to every email, but unfortunately I cannot guarantee it. But fear not, the blog has some really smart readers. If you do have a question relating to an article, pop it into the comments section and I am sure one of the readers will jump in with some pointers if I don't get a chance to respond.

Second Stealthy Wealth Readers Gathering

One of the blogs long time readers, Shane, who organised the very first Stealthy Wealth Readers Gathering at the end of 2016 (and whom I also interviewed on the blog about his Section 12J Investments) has decided that it is time for a second get together.

I sent an email to the mailing list, and also tweeted about it, but in case you missed it:

This will be a great opportunity to meet and share ideas with like minded people. I am sure there will be some fantastic discussion and personal finance and investing hacks. So if you are in the area, pull in! If you want more info get in touch

In keeping with my anonymity, I may or may not be your waiter...

There has also been some interest for a similar event in Durban in Cape Town. If you would be keen to attend a similar event in one of these cities (or even a different city) please get in touch and, depending on interest, I will try set something up.

Till next time, Stay Stealthy!
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