Monday 9 December 2019

2019 Is A Wrap

2019 is a wrap! 
And just like that we are coming to the end of 2019. So I thought it would be an opportune time for me to reflect a little on the blog and share some interesting stats around your fellow blog readers with you.

But then, while digging up some of the numbers, I suddenly found myself stopping dead in my tracks, taking a big sip of coffee, and pausing for a moment to reflect.

I am amazed by the support and the little community that has formed simply by a kinda-lame, anonymous software engineer hacking some of his thoughts, opinions and numbers around personal finance into a computer and then pressing the publish button.

Back in May 2016 when I first launched the blog, it had just 101 visitors. Now as I check the stats for 2019, I see there have been around 10,000 people who visit the blog every month. I view that as 10,000 people who made an effort to be better with their money, 10,000 people looking out for their future selves and the future of their families and 10,000 people which will hopefully, and when they are ready, set a financial example to their spouses, friends and children thereby creating an entire army of financial savvy warriors!

Think of the potential impact of that!

Okay, now for some blog stats about location, demographics and the type of content all you fine people enjoy (figures are for the start of 2019 until time of writing).


Okay so where is everybody from? The table below shows the top 12 locations of all the people who visited the blog in 2019:

Cape Town
15,555 (18.63%)
14,350 (17.19%)
9,110 (10.91%)
8,058 (9.65%)
2,938 (3.52%)
2,630 (3.15%)
2,380 (2.85%)
2,122 (2.54%)
1,717 (2.06%)
1,408 (1.69%)
Port Elizabeth
1,348 (1.61%)
1,265 (1.52%)

Cape Town leads the way (although not by as much as in 2018), maybe it’s the expensive housing that forces people to find ways to cut other costs ;)


Next up, let’s check out some high level demographic info - age and gender:

I find it inspiring that around 40% of the blogs readers are 34 or younger. These spring chickens are going to have bright futures don’t you think?

I am also really pleased to see the male/female split of readers getting closer to 50/50 – female readers up from 38% last year, to more than 41% this year. I hope that trend continues.

The Most Popular Posts

Below are the 5 most read blog posts of 2019 (you can click the title if you missed the blog post and want to add to the number of reads):

Number Of Views
Year Published

I love the theme this table portrays – taking your investments by the scruff of the neck, minimizing fees where possible, and empowering yourself. powerful stuff!

Site Search

And here is what people search for on the blog (using the search bar at the top of the page)

Search Term
% Total Unique Searches
1. TFSA/Tax Free
2. ETF
3. RA
4. Property
5. Easy Equities

I think the investing theme that is coming through here totally awesome!

Reader's Meetup

I am starting to give some thought to the next Stealthy Wealth Reader's Meetups. I am hoping to get something organised in the first half of 2020. The challenge is going to be trying to secure free venues which will be large enough to host everybody (the meetup list currently has over 440 people!) If you guys have any ideas around this please get in touch and let me know? Might require some out the box thinking!

Oh and if you want to find out when the meetup in your city is being planned, you can sign up to the mailing list over here (no spam I promise).

And then, finally, I am going to need people to assist with some of the admin of the meetups (like booking venues, running a rough agenda etc.) If you would like to help with any of that stuff, please let me know by getting in touch (just also indicate which city you are from.)

Thank You, And Happy Holidays

Right so this is the last blog post for the year, and that’s it from me for 2019!

I just want to thank you all for reading the blog, contributing to the comments, questioning and encouraging me, and just for being totally awesome!

I wish you and your family a fantastic holiday season, enjoy the time with your loved ones.

I may be a little quiet on the Twitter, Facebook and Email fronts, but if you do send me anything I promise to pick it up in-between mince pies, or in the new year.

Take it easy, and I will catch you in the new decade!

Till next time, Stay Stealthy!
 - ~ - ~

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