Please note that you use these spreadsheets at at your own risk, and none of the spreadsheets or the calculation results should be considered to be financial or investment advice blah blah blah...
If you happen to spot any errors or funnies, then please let me know so I can fix them.
I hope you find them useful. Have fun!
How Long Till You Can Be Financially Free? [Download]
(From the article My Plan To Retire At 45)
Investment Calculator [Download]
(From the article Money Bunnies)
Home Loan Tracker (With Extra Payments) [Download]
(From the article The Higher Grade Home Loan Tracker)
Home Loan Tracker [Download]
(From the article Track Your Way To Home Loan Freedom)
Buy Versus Rent [Download]
(From the article Is It Better To Buy Or Rent? (And Why We Bought)
School Fees Discount [Download]
(From the article School Fees: Is The Upfront Discount Worth It?)
Budgeting Template [Download]
(From the article How To Draw Up A Budget)
Cheap Versus Expensive Car [Download]
(from the article Reader Question - Trade In My Car For A Cheaper One?)
Property Investment Evaluation [Download]
(from the article A Guide To Residential Property Investing)
Upfront Versus Ongoing Investment Costs [Download]
(from the article Why TER Trumps Brokerage)
CGT - Onshore Versus Offshore [Download]
(from the article Reducing Your Tax By Investing Offshore)
What's Your Inflation Rate? [Download]
(from the article Do You Know Your Inflation Rate?)
Calculate Your Asset Allocation [Download]
(From the article Where's Your Money?)